About us

About us

About ARIE

Arie is a brand by designer Seiji Arie.

We design classic and relaxed clothing based on art and lifestyle such as Italian Renaissance art, 18th century aristocratic culture, and ballet.

ARIE aims to provide authentic, high-quality products to people who seek better design that enriches their lives.

designer's words

I have loved drawing since I was a child. He often imitated the drawings of the Italian Renaissance masters whom he respected.

When I started ballet as an adult, it had a big influence on me not only technically but also mentally, such as my way of thinking.

I think it was natural for me to want to do something creative because I grew up in an environment where art was around me.

I became interested in fashion when I was a university student and aspired to become a fashion designer.

I'm fascinated by the history, decoration, patterns, and patterns of clothing, but I've realized that I'm more interested in the background behind the creation of clothing, life, and human stories.

I believe that fashion is not only about visible details, but also about the human story and life behind the design. I always enjoy designing by imagining the drama of a particular life or the lives of people, and imagining it becoming a reality.

For example, there is a story about a young ballerina with ambition in her heart who begins to step into the spotlight, or a story about a city person who visits the countryside and discovers harmony between intellect, sensibility, and mind and body.

Specific designs are born from these stories, lifestyles, and characters.

I want people to look at the clothes as well as the person, attitude, beliefs and way of life behind the clothes.

My goal lies in the reality of people trying to create, in their own way, the lives I dreamed of.

I hope that my designs not only attract people's attention on the street and make people look beautiful, but also give them confidence and enrich their lives.

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